Friday, August 9, 2019

Birth Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Birth Control - Essay Example While concerned about the problems of overpopulation in the world, including the United States, these experts viewed policy change as an incremental process that came from careful research and the persuasion of political leaders (Kass-Annese and Danzer, 2003). At the other end of the spectrum stand activists who view overpopulation as a national and global emergency that needs to be addressed immediately and with radical, coercive measures if voluntary programs cannot help. Birth control methods are divided into physical methods and behavioral methods. The main physical methods are briers and hormonal methods, ormeloxifene and intrauterine method, emergency contraception and induced abortion, sterilization. To behavioral methods belong: futility awareness, statistical methods and 'interrupted sex', abstinence and lactational period (Birth Control 2007). Many advocates of birth control state that the population problem remains serious, and the issue should be addressed through private efforts and a gradual change in public policy. Overpopulation stands above any specific attachment to a particular economic system. As a result, family planning becomes an ideology in itself. Subsequently, proponents of family planning, while believing that the issue should remain nonpartisan, prove surprisingly flexible in their political allegiances. Catholic opposition to artificial birth control an

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